Kentucky Laws Against Feeding Deer on Other Peoples Property

  1. #1

    Default Laws regarding feeding deer on your own property.

    I was at Walmart and bought some deer corn for the deers that like to come on my property. I live in rural Wayne county and get a lot of wild animals on my property. I will NOT be hunting or shooting at ANY deers on my property to eat the corn. The PA game commission doesn't recommend feeding deer because they could have diseases. I already have a bird feeder and feed the wild birds on my property. Are there any laws regarding feeding deer on your property?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Laws regarding feeding deer on your own property.

    PGC would look at the feeding of deer would be that a hunter was baiting especially if there happens to be a treestand not too far away ! Thats just one of the issues feeding wild animals ! JMO/MDT

  3. #3

    Default Re: Laws regarding feeding deer on your own property.

    Quote Originally Posted by MARINE DIVISION TWO View Post

    PGC would look at the feeding of deer would be that a hunter was baiting especially if there happens to be a treestand not too far away ! Thats just one of the issues feeding wild animals ! JMO/MDT

    nope no tree stand, I just put some corn in a small wooden stand I made. In fact, I don't hunt, never did, probably never will. I just love watching the deers come onto my property. I just want to know the law in terms of feeding deer on my property
    Last edited by Will3212; October 18th, 2015 at 09:57 PM.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Laws regarding feeding deer on your own property.

    As long as you aren't hunting it now and will not be within 30days of the last time bait was used you are okay (if I am remembering correctly)

    Montani Semper Liberi

  5. #5

    Default Re: Laws regarding feeding deer on your own property.

    I have two backstraps in the fridge wet aging.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Laws regarding feeding deer on your own property.

    It is not good to feed the deer.

    They will become complacent and loose fear of people.

    They need to keep foraging for food

    There is also something called sweet death. They can't digest too much corn.

    Google all of this.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Laws regarding feeding deer on your own property.

    Quote Originally Posted by thefirstndsecond View Post

    It is not good to feed the deer.

    They will become complacent and loose fear of people.

    They need to keep foraging for food

    There is also something called sweet death. They can't digest too much corn.

    Google all of this.


    You may be setting them up for failure/death.

    They don't need your food and it shouldn't be presented to them.

    Deer are not birds. (who also don't need to be fed)

    I called to check my ZIP CODE! .... DY-NO-MITE!!!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Laws regarding feeding deer on your own property.

    The Lord Bless You

  9. #9

    Default Re: Laws regarding feeding deer on your own property.

    Off topic but you might be surprised by what deer will eat when hungry. I lived in East Stroudsburg last winter which is a build up residential area. We had these bushes in our front yard that looked like hemlock shrubs. I am not certain what they were but they looked like hemlock. During January and February we had a herd of about 5 does permanently camped out in our yard around the hemlock shrubs. They demolished the hemlock shrubs and ate every piece they could reach. By spring the lower half of the shrubs were gone and there was a three inch high pile of deer turds that completely surrounded the shrubs.

    As far as the OP question feeding deer is not illegal as long as you don't hunt that area. If feeding them corn can be dangerous maybe do some research and find alternatives. They like the apples in my yard.

    Last edited by 4thdimension; October 19th, 2015 at 03:58 PM.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Laws regarding feeding deer on your own property.

    Feeding any wild animal is generally bad. It teaches them to come there for food, and can ruin their natural/properly learned feeding methods - which can cause them to starve should you stop feeding them all together.

    They aren't pets or livestock - so don't feed them unless it is some extreme natural disaster(scorched earth or mountains of snow).

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