Cute, Easy Babies to Draw Cute, Easy Patterns for Kids

How Your Kid'south Writing and Art Changes Over Time

Creativity is a span to learning. When your child is creative and curious, she can come up upwardly with answers to the problems she encounters—like how to keep the block tower from falling. Inventiveness helps your kid become a thoughtful, inquisitive, and confident learner afterwards on, when she starts school.

1 of the most important ways that your toddler is tuning in to her inventiveness is by experimenting with fine art materials. As she grabs that chunky crayon and gets to piece of work, you will meet her art and writing change and become more than controlled and complex as she grows.

For very young children, fine art and early writing skills are one and the aforementioned. At first, it's all about just figuring out what these cool things chosen crayons can do. So your child discovers the link between her hand holding the crayon and the line she made on the folio: Presto! She experiences the ability of cause-and-consequence. Imagine how heady this must be for her! She tin can now make a real "mark" on the world. This spring in thinking skills is helped along by her new power to concord things in her hands and fingers. The growing control your child has over the muscles in her easily lets her move a marking or paintbrush with purpose and with a goal in mind.

For very young children, in that location are four stages of cartoon and writing that you lot may see as your child grows from 15 months old to 3 years former. Note that the timetables listed below are guess; your child may principal these skills faster or slower and still exist developing just fine. Growth doesn't happen at the same speed for every child, only past offering repeated fun experiences with a diversity of art and writing materials, you volition see forward progress over fourth dimension.

Stage 1: Random Scribbling (fifteen months to two½ years)

This is the period when young children are only figuring out that their movements result in the lines and scribbles they see on the folio. These scribbles are commonly the effect of big movements from the shoulder, with the crayon or marker held in the child's fist. In that location is joy in creating art at all ages, but at this stage specially, many children relish the feedback they are getting from their senses: the way the crayon feels, the smell of the paint, the squishy-ness of the clay.

For other children, this sensory information may be too much and they may non savor some art activities at this stage (like finger-painting). Equally they grow to tolerate more sensory input, y'all can incrementally re-innovate fine art activities into their routine.

Stage ii: Controlled Scribbling (2 years to 3 years)

As children develop better control over the muscles in their hands and fingers, their scribbles begin to change and get more controlled. Toddlers may brand repeated marks on the folio—open circles, diagonal, curved, horizontal, or vertical lines. Over time, children make the transition to holding the crayon or marker between their pollex and pointer finger.

Stage iii: Lines and Patterns (two½ years to 3½ years)

Children now understand that writing is made up of lines, curves, and repeated patterns. They try to imitate this in their ain writing. So while they may not write actual messages, you may see components of letters in their drawing. These might include lines, dots, and curves. This is an exciting fourth dimension as your toddler realizes that his drawing conveys meaning! For example, he may write something downward and then tell you what give-and-take information technology says. This is an important footstep toward reading and writing.

Stage 4: Pictures of Objects or People (iii years to 5 years)

Many adults recollect of "pictures" as a picture show of something. This ability to concur an image in your mind and then represent it on the page is a thinking skill that takes some fourth dimension to develop. At kickoff, children name their unplanned creations. This means that they finish the picture and and then characterization their masterpiece with the names of people, animals, or objects they are familiar with. This changes over fourth dimension.

Soon you will see your child clearly planning prior to drawing what he will create. You volition also see more detail in the pictures, more control in the fashion your child handles the crayon or marker, and the use of more colors. What else to exist on the lookout for? Children's first pictures ofttimes build off circles. Then, you may see a sun—an irregular circle, with lots of stick "rays" shooting out—or a person (unremarkably a circle with roughly recognizable human features).

Once your kid has begun to purposefully draw images, she has mastered symbolic thinking. This important milestone in thinking skills means that your child understands that lines on newspaper can be a symbol of something else, like a firm, a cat, or a person. At this stage, your child also begins to understand the departure between pictures and writing. So yous may see him draw a picture and so scribble some "words" underneath to describe what he has drawn or to tell a story. When your child is able to share his story with you, he will be motivated to "author" more and more work as he grows.

Phase five: Letter and Word Exercise (three to 5 years)

Children have had experience with messages and print for several years now and are beginning to utilise messages in their own writing. Usually children beginning past experimenting with the letters in their own names, as these are about familiar to them. They besides make "pretend letters" by copying familiar alphabetic character shapes, and will oftentimes assume that their created letter of the alphabet must exist real because it looks like other letters they have seen (Robertson, 2007).

During this time, children also begin to understand that some words are made of symbols that are shorter and some words are made of symbols that are longer. As a effect, their scribbles change. Rather than 1 long string of letters or alphabetic character-like shapes, your child's writing at present has short and long patterns that look like words or sentences. While these messages and words are probably not technically right, it does not thing. This heady milestone ways that your child is get-go to sympathise that text and impress have pregnant.

What Can You lot Do to Encourage Art and Writing Skills

Brand art a regular role of playtime.

Offer chunky, easy-to-grip crayons, thick pencils, and washable markers. Cutting newspaper numberless up to depict on. Sometimes it helps young children out if you tape the newspaper downward on the tabular array so information technology doesn't move every bit they describe. Every bit your child grows, yous can include washable paints, child-safety scissors and glue, and homemade salt-dough as role of your child'south creative time. (For salt-dough recipes, bank check the Internet or your local library.) Let your child wear an erstwhile shirt of yours (with sleeves cut off) as a smock and lay newspaper or an old shower curtain over the tabular array to go along it clean.

No need for instructions.

Let your kid experiment and explore. Creativity means having the power to express yourself in your own way (Lagoni et al., 1989). This independence is just what a growing toddler is looking for to feel confident, competent, and clever. Past sitting nearby, observing, and taking pleasure in your kid'south creation, yous are providing all the guidance he needs.

Notice the procedure, not merely the product.

Equally parents, we often tend to compliment children on their successes: What's that a picture of? A house? That'south keen! And sometimes we get hung up on the fact that trees should be green, not purple. Sometimes we quiz: What'south the name of that colour? But children learn more when we don't focus and so much on what they are drawing, but on what they are thinking about their cartoon. Accept a few moments to observe your kid's work: Look at the lines you lot are making—in that location are then many of them! Or, That motion picture is really interesting. Those colors brand me feel happy. Or, I meet y'all are working actually difficult on your drawing. Or just: Tell me well-nigh your moving picture. Then see if your kid is interested in sharing more.

Experiment with a variety of art materials as your kid nears 3.

Let children paint with cotton wool balls, q-tips, sponges, string—you lot name it. Requite your child crayons and rub over a textured surface (like a coin or a screen). Draw with chalk outside on a sidewalk; run into how water changes the color of the chalk. Add powdered pigment or glitter to your child's sand play. Or add a new dimension to water play by adding drops of washable food coloring to the water. What happens when you mix 2 different colors of water together?

Employ art to help your child express strong feelings.

Is your kid having a tantrum? Offer some play-dough or fix out the markers and paper and suggest she make a very, very aroused movie. Creative activities can sometimes help children limited and make sense of feelings that are too intense for them to share in words.

Encourage your child's attempts to write.

If your child scribbles something and then tells you lot what he "wrote," accept information technology seriously. Permit him accept his "shopping list" to the supermarket or postal service his (scribbled) letter to Grandma. This is how children learn that words are powerful and take pregnant.

Display your kid'south art and writing.

This is how your kid knows her work is valued and of import.

Creative activities help children to acquire how to solve problems, come up with their ain answers, detect the cause-and-upshot of their actions, and experience confident about the choices they make. Art experiences assist children develop independence within limits, and gives them the opportunity to represent their ideas on newspaper or in other formats. Most important, creative expression lets children tap into the magic of their own imaginations—which is what being a child is all well-nigh.

Resources and References

Farrell-Kirk, R. (2007 February). Tips on understanding and encouraging your child'due south artistic development. Downloaded on June 10, 2008.

Gable, S. (2000). Inventiveness in young children. Academy of Missouri Extension. Downloaded on June 10, 2008.

Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service. (northward.d.). My kid is an artist! The stages of creative development. Downloaded on June ten, 2008.

Lagoni, 50. S., Martin, D. H., Maslin-Cole, C., Cook, A., MacIsaac, M., Parrill, G., Bigner, J., Coker, E., & Sheie, S. (1989). Adept times being artistic. In Expert times with kid care (pp. 239–253). Fort Collins, CO: Colorado Land University Cooperative Extension. Downloaded on June x, 2008.

Levinger, Fifty, & Mott, A. (n.d.). Developmental phases in fine art. Downloaded on June ten, 2008.

Robertson, R. (2007, July/August). The meaning of marks: Understanding and nurturing young children'due south writing development. Child Intendance Exchange, 176, 40–44.

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